Ship's Log

Dozens of times we're just gone for a quick sail in Pleasant Bay. These trips in the confines of a few square miles, generally in perfect weather and visibility are not worth plotting on a chart or recording. This accounts for most of our sailing.

Trips up and down the channel (about 5.5 miles from our mooring to outside Chattam Harbor) and just outside the channel are also generally uneventful and are not recorded. Our finding is that with a draft of 27 inches, the depth in the channel is adequate, though we can no longer make it through without grounding in sand at dead low tide. The harbormaster advised us to avoid 2 hours to either side of low tide if possible.

Chattam Harbor entrance and channel are shallow, shoaled, experience moderate currents, and breaking waves can pose a very dangerous hazard in the entrance. Please be aware of Chatham Break warnings both here and in cruising guides.

So far we've recorded logs ad hoc. Some times the information recorded is more complete than other times. Next season we'll be trying out some new log sheets which should result in more complete and more consistent logs.

Date: August 8, 2002 Summary: Sail to Monomoy Cut entrance and back.
Crew: Curtis, Tara, Erin, Daniel. Photos
Comments: The "cut" is the narrow and exteremely shallow channel between North and South Monomoy (don't go there without local knowledge). We could not enter under sail due to the opposing ebb current from the cut. Tara felt mildly seasick and so wanted to go home rather than motor up the cut to see the seal haulout.

Date: August 13, 2002 Summary: Singlehanding to Nantucket.
Crew: Curtis. Photos
Comments: Visibility was very limited. Navigation much of the time was GPS with visual confirmation of markers. Little progress was made between 10 AM and 1 PM, sailing upwind against current. Polluck Rip was entered at about 2 PM, exited at 5PM. Nantucket Harbor was reached in total darkness. The range lights were used to enter the channel under sail. A minor grounding in soft bottom across from Brandt point. Anchored under motor.
Date: August 14, 2002 Summary: Return from Nantucket.
Crew: Curtis. No Photos
Comments: Wind was variable in strength from well under 5 knots to about 20 knots in late afternoon. Visibility was limited somewhat, but not a problem. Some surfing was done in morning. Pollucks Rip was exited at RN"6", cutting across Bearse Shoal toward RW"C". Progress was best 12:30 to 1PM, reaching 6.8 knots on a broad to beam reach. Current was favorable throughout the day, except an ebb current in Pleasant Bay. The day's sailing began and ended with the strongest winds.

Trip Narrative: On Monday August 18, 2003 Curtis and Andy set sail from Pleasant Bay, Orleans, MA bound for Nantucket. Andy took the ferry back from Nantucket and Curtis made the rest of the trip singlehanded, a total of 12 days.
Date: August 18, 2003 Summary: Pleasant Bay to Nantucket.
Crew: Curtis, Andy. Photos
Comments: The prior day had stormy weather with strong winds from the East. NOAA predictions for Monday initially indicated a possibility of small craft advisory, but were later revised to 15-20 knots from the North with 3-4 foot waves. By Monday morning predictions were again revised down to 10-15 knots. We had early moderate winds within Pleasant Bay, 15 knots or so. In the channel and after leaving Chatham Break, the winds decreased to 10 knots, later decreased even further. Visibility was very good to excellent.
Intended course (total distance 29.7 nm)
RW "C" to RW "PR"C 176 MD 7.5 nm
RW "PR" to GC "5"C 274 MD 4.1 nm
GC "5" to R "8"C 276 MD 2.2 nm
R "8" to R "12"C 232 MD 4.4 nm
R "12" to G "15"C 208 MD 3.8 nm
G "15" to RW "NB"C 200 MD 7.7 nm
Date: August 20, 2003 Summary: Nantucket to Edgartown.
Crew: Curtis. Photos
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 10 knots overnight, but were 15-20 or more. Winds were predicted to be 15-20 and started that way but died almost completely and returned very light. Headway was sufficiently poor that the current in Nantucket Sound shifted before light winds returned. This relatively short trip ended up taking a very long time.
Intended course (total distance 26.3 nm)
RW "NB" to near G "17"C 346 MD 10.7 nm
near G "17" to CRCC 292 MD 4.2 nm
CRC to RW "NS"C 295 MD 4.8 nm
RW "NS" to EH1C 261 MD 3.9 nm
EH1 to EH2C 212 MD 1.9 nm
EH2 to EH3C 212 MD 0.8 nm
EH3 into harborC 265 M--
Note: CRC is a waypoint in "Cross Rip Channel", about midway between R "20" and G "21". EH1, EH2, and EH3 are waypoints in the Edgartown Harbor approach.
Date: August 22, 2003 Summary: Edgartown to Vineyard Haven.
Crew: Curtis. Photos
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 10-15 knots and for once NOAA was right. This was a short sail, good wind, and took only three hours mooring to anchor.
Intended course (total distance less than 7 nm)
EH1 to EC1 to EC2C 319 MD 4.4 nm
EC2 to VH1C 286 MD 1.2 nm
VH1 to VH2C 221 MD 0.9 nm
VH2 to VH3C 238 MD 0.4 nm
Note: EH1, EH2, and EH3 are waypoints in the Edgartown Harbor approach. EC1 and EC2 are waypoints near East Chop. VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor.
Date: August 23, 2003 (morning) Summary: Vineyard Haven to Nowhere.
Crew: Curtis. Photos
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 15-20 knots from the NW. Actual winds were from the NW but very weak. This was to be a sail to Newport but was aborted due to lack of wind. Due to currents best departure times were 7:30-8 AM or 8-8:30 PM or the next day at 8:30-9 AM.
Intended course (total distance 43.8 nm, not including distance from Vineyard Haven to RW "NW")
RW "NW" to VSEC 090 MD 1.8 nm
VSE to R "30"C 259 MD 12.4 nm
R "30" to R "32"C 255 MD 6.3 nm
R "32" to R "2"C 300 MD 19.0 nm
R "2" to R "4"C 015 MD 0.7 nm
R "4" to NH1C 005 MD 1.2 nm
NH1 to NH3C 061 MD 1.9 nm
NH3 to NH4C 144 MD 0.5 nm
Note: VSE is a waypoint in Vineyard Sound on the East side. NH1, NH2, NH3, and NH4 are GPS waypoints on the way to Newport Harbor. NH1, NH2, and NH3 are on a straight line.
Date: August 23, 2003 (night sail) Summary: Vineyard Haven to Block Island.
Crew: Curtis. No Photos
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 15-20 knots from the NW with gusts to 25 and 2-4 foot waves. Winds from the NW are ideal for destinations such as Newport or Block Island which are to the SW. Due to currents best departure times were 8-8:30 PM or the next day at 8:30-9 AM. To make sure to get out before winds died, a night sail was undertaken.
Intended course (total distance 57.6 nm)
VH3 to VH2C 058 MD 0.4 nm
VH2 to VH1C 041 MD 0.9 nm
VH1 to RW "NW"C 308 MD 2.4 nm
RW "NW" to VSEC 090 MD 1.8 nm
VSE to R "30"C 259 MD 12.4 nm
R "30" to R "32"C 255 MD 6.3 nm
R "32" to R "2"C 300 MD 23.5 nm
R "2" to G "1BI"C 253 MD 5.6 nm
G "1BI" to WP1C 224 MD 2.2 nm
WP1 to R "2"C 185 MD 1.5 nm
R "2" to GSPC 159 MD 0.6 nm
Note: VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor. VSE is a waypoint in Vineyard Sound on the East side. WP1 is a waypoint to the northwest of Block Island intended to keep out of the shallow water on the way to the harbor enterance. GSP is a waypoint in Great Salt Pond.
Date: August 27, 2003 Summary: Block Island to Vineyard Haven.
Crew: Curtis. Photos
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 15-20 knots from the SW. This was close to accurate with winds starting at 10-15 and dimishing half way through Vineyard Sound where strong following currents keeping progress good. Winds picked up as West Chop was neared. Good progress was made on the entire trip, with 6 knots or more wing and wing sailing for an hour or two while crossing of Rhode Island Sound.
Intended course (total distance 57.1 nm)
GSP to R "2"C 339 MD 0.6 nm
R "2" to WP1C 005 MD 1.5 nm
WP1 to G "1BI"C 044 MD 2.2 nm
G "1BI" to R "32"C 094 MD 28.6 nm
R "32" to R "30"C 075 MD 6.3 nm
R "30" to VSEC 079 MD 12.4 nm
VSE to RW "NW"C 270 MD 1.8 nm
RW "NW" to VH1C 128 MD 2.4 nm
VH1 to VH2C 221 MD 0.9 nm
VH2 to VH3C 238 MD 0.4 nm
Note: GSP is a waypoint in Great Salt Pond. WP1 is a waypoint to the northwest of Block Island intended to keep out of the shallow water on the way to the harbor enterance. VSE is a waypoint in Vineyard Sound on the East side. VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor.
Date: August 28-29, 2003 Summary: Vineyard Haven to Pleasant Bay.
Crew: Curtis. Photos
Comments: The prediction was for 10-15 knots, which direction seemed to depend on the forecast area, Nantucket Sound was to get SW, becoming variable and weak in late evening, stronger the next day with showers and thundershowers the next evening. I didn't want to be in a tourist mecca on Labor Day weekend so to beat the thunderstorms I decided to sail right away, possibly stopping at Chatham and taking the Monomoy Cut or possibly anchoring outside Nantucket and taking Polluck Rip after a current shift. If the wind held I might be able to make Polluck Rip before 10 PM and anchor in the Atlantic until first light and then enter Chatham Break. It didn't. About half way between G "17" and PR-W (see below) I made a diversion to anchor which added about 18 nm to the trip. This ended up being a 28 hour singlehanded sail of nearly 70 nm with 5 hours spent on anchor in two different places waiting for current or tide change.
Intended course (total distance 45.1 nm, plus about 5nm to get to Pleasant Bay)
VH3 to VH2C 058 MD 0.4 nm
VH2 to VH1C 041 MD 0.9 nm
VH1 to RW "NW"C 308 MD 2.4 nm
RW "NW" to R "22"C 115 MD 6.7 nm
R "22" to RW "NS"C 115 MD 4.0 nm
RW "NS" to CRCC 115 MD 4.7 nm
CRC to G "17"C 111 MD 4.2 nm
G "17" to PR-WC 085 MD 6.7 nm
PR-W to R "12"C 055 MD 3.6 nm
R "12" to R "8"C 071 MD 1.5 nm
R "8" to GC "5"C 100 MD 2.2 nm
GC "5" to PR-EC 082 MD 2.2 nm
PR-E to RW "C"C 000 MD 5.6 nm
Note: VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor. CRC is a waypoint in Cross Rip Channel. PR-W and PR-E are waypoints at the west and east entrance to Polluck Rip.