Date: August 22, 2003 Summary: Edgartown to Vineyard Haven.
Crew: Curtis.
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 10-15 knots and for once NOAA was right. This was a short sail, good wind, and took only three hours mooring to anchor.
Intended course (total distance less than 7 nm)
EH1 to EC1 to EC2C 319 MD 4.4 nm
EC2 to VH1C 286 MD 1.2 nm
VH1 to VH2C 221 MD 0.9 nm
VH2 to VH3C 238 MD 0.4 nm
Note: EH1, EH2, and EH3 are waypoints in the Edgartown Harbor approach. EC1 and EC2 are waypoints near East Chop. VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor.
0840 left mooring motoring visual (10 min) 0.17 hours
0850 rounded R "8", shut off motor, put up sail visual (5 min) 0.08 hours
0855 headed for R "6", wind off port stern quarter, 10 knot wind, no waves visual (13 min) 0.22 hours
0908 pass R "6", sight R "4", wind 12-15 knots, speed 6+ knots C 015M (8 min) 0.13 hours
0916 pass R "4", R "2" sighted, wind strengthen to 15 knots, boat speed 6.2 knots on beam reach C 015M (10 min) 0.17 hours
Prior to this was a reach, mostly broad, then beam reach. After this point was mostly close hauled and a single long tack past East Chop.
0926 pass R "2", GR Bell bearing 340M C 340M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0929 boat speed about 6 knots C 320M (4 min) 0.07 hours
0933 pass GR Bell well to starboard C 320M (9 min) 0.15 hours
0942 close haul, rail near water C 315M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0945 GR "C" bearing 320M, boat speed 5 knots, close haul C 310M (8 min) 0.13 hours
0953 pass GR "C" to port, about 6 knots boat speed C 315M (7 min) 0.12 hours
1000 sighted G "23" C 300M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1004 G "23" and East Chop Light (Iso G 6s) for a range C 300M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1008 sighted RW "NW" C 300M (7 min) 0.12 hours
Not long after the schooner was sighted this became a rail in or near the water chase of the schooner to get a better view. The schooner was probably motoring but we were making better time. Lots of digital photos were taken and the best kept.
1015 RW "NW" off starboard beam, N "4" off port bow, three mast sqare rig schooner sighted C 300M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1018 tack for better view of schooner visual (3 min) 0.05 hours
1021 tack, taking digital photos of schooner visual (3 min) 0.05 hours
1024 tack visual (20 min) 0.33 hours
1044 tack, still taking pictures of schooner visual (1 min) 0.02 hours
1045 tack, last long tack toward anchorage, many short tacks within anchorage area visual (35 min) 0.58 hours
There was lots of room to anchor outside the breakwater. Inside was very crowded since it was a weekend.
1120 anchored under sail outside breakwater -- -- --
NOAA reported winds at Martha's Vineyard to be 17 knots gusting to 24 knots. My estimates of 15 knots may have been a little low.

Photos and a brief narrative are available on the Late August 2003 page of the Photo Gallery pages, under Edgartown to Vineyard Haven. A narrative of the complete trip is also available.