Date: August 27, 2003 Summary: Block Island to Vineyard Haven.
Crew: Curtis.
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 15-20 knots from the SW. This was close to accurate with winds starting at 10-15 and dimishing half way through Vineyard Sound where strong following currents keeping progress good. Winds picked up as West Chop was neared. Good progress was made on the entire trip, with 6 knots or more wing and wing sailing for an hour or two while crossing of Rhode Island Sound.
Intended course (total distance 57.1 nm)
GSP to R "2"C 339 MD 0.6 nm
R "2" to WP1C 005 MD 1.5 nm
WP1 to G "1BI"C 044 MD 2.2 nm
G "1BI" to R "32"C 094 MD 28.6 nm
R "32" to R "30"C 075 MD 6.3 nm
R "30" to VSEC 079 MD 12.4 nm
VSE to RW "NW"C 270 MD 1.8 nm
RW "NW" to VH1C 128 MD 2.4 nm
VH1 to VH2C 221 MD 0.9 nm
VH2 to VH3C 238 MD 0.4 nm
Note: GSP is a waypoint in Great Salt Pond. WP1 is a waypoint to the northwest of Block Island intended to keep out of the shallow water on the way to the harbor enterance. VSE is a waypoint in Vineyard Sound on the East side. VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor.
0945 weigh anchor, tack through anchorage visual (27 min) .45 hours
From R "2" to G "1BI" took 38 minutes, including shaking out a reef. The average boat speed was 5.8 knots. Boat speed was often well over 6 knots on a beam reach.
1012 pinch past R "2", go to a beam reach C 030M (8 min) .13 hours
1020 adjust course based on GPS to go out farther from land C 000M (10 min) .17 hours
1030 pass WP1 1/2 mile to port, hand steering toward G "1BI" C 030M (10 min) .17 hours
1040 finish shaking out reef, G "1BI" in sight, winds now about 10 knots C 000M (10 min) .17 hours
Over the next 3.2 hours average boat speed was 5.1 knots. For part of this time sustained speeds of 6-6.5 knots were acheived and speed of just over 7 knots was observed on both the knotlog and GPS.
1050 within 1/3 nm of G "1BI", wing and wing, dead downwind, boat speed 5.4 knots C 090M (10 min) .17 hours
1100 rig preventer and pole out jib C 090M (10 min) .17 hours
1110 almost self steering downwind, not quite C 090M (20 min) .33 hours
1130 hand steering, constant attention needed due to waves C 090M (30 min) .50 hours
1200 wind and wave increase, limited surfing, boat speed 5.5 knots, approaching shipping lanes C 090M (5 min) .08 hours
1205 gybe main to broad reach, almost beam reach to avoid freighter C 040M (10 min) .17 hours
1215 slight course adjustment based on GPS, also better with slight wind shift C 095M (15 min) .25 hours
1230 speed is now 5-6 knots, wind and waves further increasing, in shipping separation zone C 095M (30 min) .50 hours
1300 entering shipping lane inbound, no other vessel in sight C 095M (15 min) .25 hours
1315 briefly broke 7 knots on both knotlog and GPS, out of shipping lane, further increase in wind and waves yielding 6-6.5 knots boat speed C 095M (10 min) .17 hours
1325 wind decreasing, wave 2-3 feet, rouge 4 ft, attention needed to steer, 15.8 nm to R "32" C 095M (35 min) .58 hours
The prior three hours averaged 5.1 knots, the next three hours averaged 4 knots. The average for the 28.6 miles and 6.1 hours was 4.6 knots.
1400 wind weaker, waves less, nearing Buzzards Bay outbound shipping lane, 12.3 nm to go C 090M (15 min) .25 hours
1415 in outbound shipping lane, vessel bearing 050M, vessel is tow and barge C 090M (5 min) .08 hours
1420 vessel bearing 030M C 090M (5 min) .08 hours
1425 vessel bearing 025M on my beam, second vessel bearing 090M distant C 090M (5 min) .08 hours
1430 in separation zone, sailing vessel flying spinaker approaching stern C 090M (15 min) .25 hours
1445 overtaken by larger sailing vessel flying spinaker C 090M (15 min) .25 hours
1500 wind and waves decreasing, boat speed decreasing, 8 nm to R "32" C 090M (15 min) .25 hours
1515 gybed main and jib, pole gybe difficult without autopilot C 090M (25 min) .42 hours
1540 sighted land bearing 090M, Gay Head C 090M (5 min) .08 hours
1545 slight course adjustment C 080M (35 min) .58 hours
1620 Cuttyhunk bearing 070M, GAy Head bearing 100M, wind decreasing, opposing current C 080M (10 min) .17 hours
1630 Gay Head Light bearing 100M C 080M (25 min) .42 hours
1655 R "32" waypoint is not at R "32" but in channel, head for R "30" on broad reach C 075M (10 min) .17 hours
At this point the 16.8 nm from G "1BI" to R "32" has been completed. The average speed over that leg was 4.6 knots. In Vineyard Sound, initial currents were opposing and weak, later reversing to following and stronger. Wind was cam to light. Despite the weak wind the overall trip average speed remained at 4.6 knots.
1705 pass R "32" well to port, whistle is audible C 075M (25 min) .42 hours
1730 wind weak, opposing current, SOG decreasing to a little over 1 knot C 075M (30 min) .50 hours
1800 slow progress, wind not as light C 075M (30 min) .50 hours
1830 wind dying, current must have slacked, R "30" in sight C 075M (25 min) .42 hours
1855 pass R "30", bell audible C 075M (5 min) .08 hours
1900 G "29" may be visible, favorable current, light wind C 075M (5 min) .08 hours
1905 wind suddenly extremely weak and shifting from W to NW, 1 nm from G "29", gybed pole which was easy with no wind C 075M (15 min) .25 hours
1920 drifting by G "29" on current, wind very light, whistle audible C 075M (15 min) .25 hours
1935 wind increasing, still light, now from W, gybed main C 075M (25 min) .42 hours
2000 wind decreasing, very light, current is about 1.5 knots C 075M (15 min) .25 hours
2015 G "27" is visible, wind is light C 075M (27 min) .45 hours
With the wind shift to the SW came winds of decent strength, probably 10 knots. It was an upwind tack into Vineyard Haven Harbor, but the wind made for very good progress.
2042 pass G "27", wind shifts to SW, broad reach, no pole C 090M (23 min) .38 hours
2105 head to port of R "2" C 100M (21 min) .35 hours
2126 pass R "2", now close hauled C 170M (3 min) .05 hours
2129 head for waypoint VH1 C 155M (9 min) .15 hours
2138 tack at about waypoint VH1 C 270M (2 min) .03 hours
2140 tack back down harbor enterance, then tack through anchorage C 160M (35 min) .58 hours
2215 drop anchor, this time in about 10 feet of water, tidy up -- -- --

Photos and a brief narrative are available on the Late August 2003 page of the Photo Gallery pages, under Block Island to Vineyard Haven. A narrative of the complete trip is also available.