Date: August 28-29, 2003 Summary: Vineyard Haven to Pleasant Bay.
Crew: Curtis.
Comments: The prediction was for 10-15 knots, which direction seemed to depend on the forecast area, Nantucket Sound was to get SW, becoming variable and weak in late evening, stronger the next day with showers and thundershowers the next evening. I didn't want to be in a tourist mecca on Labor Day weekend so to beat the thunderstorms I decided to sail right away, possibly stopping at Chatham and taking the Monomoy Cut or possibly anchoring outside Nantucket and taking Polluck Rip after a current shift. If the wind held I might be able to make Polluck Rip before 10 PM and anchor in the Atlantic until first light and then enter Chatham Break. It didn't. About half way between G "17" and PR-W (see below) I made a diversion to anchor which added about 18 nm to the trip. This ended up being a 28 hour singlehanded sail of nearly 70 nm with 5 hours spent on anchor in two different places waiting for current or tide change.
Intended course (total distance 45.1 nm, plus about 5nm to get to Pleasant Bay)
VH3 to VH2C 058 MD 0.4 nm
VH2 to VH1C 041 MD 0.9 nm
VH1 to RW "NW"C 308 MD 2.4 nm
RW "NW" to R "22"C 115 MD 6.7 nm
R "22" to RW "NS"C 115 MD 4.0 nm
RW "NS" to CRCC 115 MD 4.7 nm
CRC to G "17"C 111 MD 4.2 nm
G "17" to PR-WC 085 MD 6.7 nm
PR-W to R "12"C 055 MD 3.6 nm
R "12" to R "8"C 071 MD 1.5 nm
R "8" to GC "5"C 100 MD 2.2 nm
GC "5" to PR-EC 082 MD 2.2 nm
PR-E to RW "C"C 000 MD 5.6 nm
Note: VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor. CRC is a waypoint in Cross Rip Channel. PR-W and PR-E are waypoints at the west and east entrance to Polluck Rip.
1015 weigh anchor in extreme light wind from N, tack to East side of harbor entrance visual (20 min) 0.33 hours
Set out at about 10AM with almost no wind. Current was to be in opposition from about 1PM to 7PM. Forecast was 10-15 knots from the SW which would have been downwind. For the first few hours wind was from the NW but shifted to SE rather than SW.
1035 nearing private docks on East side, tack back into channel visual (5 min) 0.08 hours
1040 tack toward East Chop Light visual (5 min) 0.08 hours
1045 pinch up toward GC "23A" visual (2 min) 0.03 hours
1047 tacked in slight header visual (2 min) 0.03 hours
1049 tack, wind shifts again favoring other tack, increases to light visual (3 min) 0.05 hours
1052 wind shifts, tack again, wind very light and variable visual (5 min) 0.08 hours
1057 tack toward upwind of GC "23A", wind extremely light an variable direction visual (9 min) 0.15 hours
1106 East Chop Light bearing 090M, wind was N, now NW, slow beam reach visual (9 min) 0.15 hours
1115 East Chop Light bearing 120M C 050M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1118 very light wind but enough to fill sails C 070M (2 min) 0.03 hours
1120 wind shift, beam reach, 2 knot C 060M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1124 East Chop Light bearing 140M, broad reach, wind increased to light C 070M (14 min) 0.23 hours
1138 East Chop Light bearing 210M, GC "23" bearing 140M C 080M (22 min) 0.37 hours
By noon I had cleared East Chop. This was not good progress at all. Current would be opposing in one hour. For a while wind varied in speed and direction but was mostly 5-10 knots from NW or WNW.
1200 pole to starboard, gybe main, wing and wing, 2.5 knot, 3.6 SOG C 120M (12 min) 0.20 hours
1212 seems to sail better on this course C 130M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1215 gybe main, very broad reach C 100M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1230 R "22" bearing 100M, "20RW" bearing 120M, speed 1.6 knots, 2.3 SOG C 100M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1245 approximately between R "22" and R "2", closer to R "22", "20RW" bearing 120M C 100M (21 min) 0.35 hours
1306 pole out less, may have improved speed, 2.5 knots, SOG 2.7 C 100M (9 min) 0.15 hours
1315 speed 2.4-2.9 knots, SOG about the same C080M (19 min) 0.32 hours
1334 "20RW" and G "21A" form a range, wind variable, speed 1.5-3 knots, mostly 2-2.5 knots C 080M (11 min) 0.18 hours
1345 RW "NS" bearing 120M, "20RW" bearing 210M, wing and wing after wind shift C 090M (10 min) 0.17 hours
1355 gybe pole, wind shift and strengthen, speed 4.5-5 knots C 120M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1400 broad reach, RW "NS" is in sight C 115M (10 min) 0.17 hours
1410 wind direction variable, pass two sailboat in opposite direction C 125M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1425 slight wind shift, pass RW "NS" to port, speed 3.6 knots, 2.5 SOG, current is now opposing C 120M (25 min) 0.42 hours
1450 wind shift C 105M (10 min) 0.17 hours
After a period of being somewhat erratic in speed and direction, the wind did about a 180° shift and was shifting from NE to SE and very erratic in both direction and strength.
1500 major wind shift, now headed upwind C 110M to 050M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1505 course shifted to 050M, tack, close hauled C 200M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1510 tack back, wind direction varying wildly C 090M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1515 good wind speed but varying direction C 070M to 120M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1520 G "21" visible, R "20" not yet visible C 120M (10 min) 0.17 hours
1530 G "21" and R "20" are both visible, wind speed and direction all over the place variable (12 min) 0.20 hours
1542 good wind strength, speed 4.7 knot, 2.6 SOG, significant opposing current C 120M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1545 bear away to avoid path of distant trawler C 090M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1600 almost no wind C 110M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1615 wind increasing, speed 3.7 knot, 2.2 SOG, headed toward G "21" C 110M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1620 wind dying, changing direction, tack twice in changing wind C 135M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1625 wind very light, shifting C 120M (10 min) 0.17 hours
1635 wind very light, shifting C 100M (40 min) 0.67 hours
1715 still making extremely slow progress against current in variable and very weak wind C 100M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1720 wind picked up, shifted, then died, return very light C 120M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1735 wind died again C 120M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1750 wind shift, R "18" bearing 110M, wind near dead C 090M (10 min) 0.17 hours
In the early evening the wind direction was more steady and the wind strength for a while was sufficient to make good headway. Current also reversed at about 1900 and became a following current.
1800 wind near dead, knotlog and GPS briefly read zero knots C 090M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1805 G "21" and N "4" form a range, breeze has a direction, C 100M (10 min) 0.17 hours
1815 speed 2.2 knot, 2.2 knot SOG, current appears slack C 110M (27 min) 0.45 hours
1842 tack due to wind direction change, depth 15 ft C 185M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1845 tack due to wind direction change C 080M (7 min) 0.12 hours
1852 tack to avoid Halfmoon Shoals C 215M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1857 wind shift C 190M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1900 tack C 080M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1903 tack C 180M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1906 wind shift C 220M to 190M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1910 wind shift, tack, may have shifted back C 070M (2 min) 0.03 hours
1912 wind shift C 090M (2 min) 0.03 hours
1914 wind strengthenning, speed 5 knots C 075M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1918 tack, speed back to 5.1 knots C 210M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1923 tack C 080M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1927 wind shift C 070M (3 min) 0.05 hours
Once beyond Halfmoon Shoals there were three possible intermediate destinations. The next slack in Polluck Rip which would be followed by favorable current would be after 0700 the next morning. One destination was Nantucket, anchoring until 0400 then proceding. Another destination was Chatham, either Stage Harbor or anchoring off Monomoy, then taking the Monomoy Cut in daylight. A third choice was to try for Polluck Rip before current reversed. Based on the current rate of travel and the GPS ETE it briefly looked like I had a shot at Polluck Rip so I headed towards R "12 shortly after clearing Halfmoon Shoals.
1930 passing R "18" to port, R "18" bearing 065M, distant trawlers off stern, stay on this tack C 090M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1945 speed 5.1 knots, 5.3 SOG C 090M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1950 gradual wind shift C 100M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1953 tack to avoid freighter C 200M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1956 tack back C 100M (9 min) 0.15 hours
2005 heading up for Polluck Rip R "12" C 090M (20 min) 0.33 hours
2025 wind has gradually shifted C 060M (2 min) 0.03 hours
2027 tack C 180M (23 min) 0.38 hours
The current would reverse again at 2300. With winds shifting and weakenning a bit it was apparent I wasn't going to make the Polluck Rip R "8" waypoint at the tip of Monomoy before 2200. The chance of getting caught in Polluck Rip in the opposing current was too high so the course was changed to head for the NE tip of Nantucket to anchor there until the next reversal of the tidal current.
2050 heading toward Nantcket Harbor RW "NB", 8.7 nm away C 210M (22 min) 0.37 hours
2112 wind shifting again C 210M to 180M (23 min) 0.38 hours
2135 wind shifting C 220M to C 200M (15 min) 0.25 hours
2150 tack C 095M (10 min) 0.17 hours
2200 tack, in Nantucket NE light red sector, GPS fix N 41° 24.4' W 070° 07.0' C 210M (8 min) 0.13 hours
The battery had been drained to the point of being flat. Lights were very faded and the GPS was reporting low battery.
2208 start motor to charge battery C 210M (10 min) 0.17 hours
2218 stop motor C 210M (12 min) 0.20 hours
2230 tack C 080M (20 min) 0.33 hours
2250 tack C 210M (18 min) 0.30 hours
2308 tack C 120M (12 min) 0.20 hours
2320 start motor for charge, motoring upwind C 150M (10 min) 0.17 hours
2330 motor off C 100M (10 min) 0.17 hours
2340 tack C 250M (12 min) 0.20 hours
2352 tack C 110M (-1425 min) -23.74 hours
0007 furl headsail stopping (3 min) 0.05 hours
0010 head up to luff mainsail stopping (10 min) 0.17 hours
0020 initial anchor set, 190 ft rode anchored (10 min) 0.17 hours
0030 drop and fold mainsail, payout 280 ft rode in 45 ft depth anchored (135 min) 2.25 hours
Time at anchor was less than 3 hours but still restful. The dinghy painter had become tangled in the anchor rode and caused some delay getting underway again. Set sail again in darkness, against the current, with a following wind of perhaps 10 knots.
0245 start to weigh anchor, encountered tangle with dinghy painter stationary (25 min) 0.42 hours
0310 completed anchor untangle, weigh anchor, raise sails, broad reach C 310M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0315 wing and wing, steady wind, no pole C 000M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0320 broad reach C 330M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0330 gybe, broad reach, speed 4.5 knots, 3.3 SOG C 030M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0335 gybe C 330M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0345 gybe C 030M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0350 head up a little, jib stays set C 040M (25 min) 0.42 hours
0415 gybe C 330M (15 min) 0.25 hours
0430 gybe C 030M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0440 head up, head for Polluck Rip C 045M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0450 head up based on GPS bearing toward R "12" and R "10" C 050M (45 min) 0.75 hours
First light of day was welcome both because it was cold and because the battery was flat. Lights were turned off before sunrise to avoid having to start the outboard to charge again.
0535 first light of day, sun is not up yet, 1.1 nm to R "12", wind changing direction from SE to E C 050M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0540 less than 1 nm to R "12", head for R "10" C 060M (20 min) 0.33 hours
0600 current slack, 2.2 nm to R "10",sun is just below horizon C 060M (15 min) 0.25 hours
0615 following current is 1 knot or more, 1 nm to R "10", sun is up, its warmer C 060M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0625 within 0.3 nm of R "10", head for R "8" C 070M (12 min) 0.20 hours
0637 within 0.5 nm of (missing) R "8", head for R "6" C 090M (17 min) 0.28 hours
0654 quick tack to leave R "6" to port visual (1 min) 0.02 hours
0655 tack back C 090M (2 min) 0.03 hours
0657 pass within 30 ft of R "6" C 090M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0700 waves in shoals are mild, continue on course, then tack at edge of shoal visual (2 min) .03 hours
0702 tack back C 090M (3 min) 0.05 hours
Waves were small due to the past day of light winds. Cutting over Beards Shoals was entirely safe in these conditions and would save some distance.
0705 pass GC "5" well to starboard, bear away toward RN "24", cutting across Beards Shoals C 040M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0715 head toward RW "C", wind light C 020M (15 min) 0.25 hours
0730 broad reach C 030M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0735 pass RN "24" to starboard C 030M (45 min) 0.75 hours
0820 gybe toward RW "C" C 330M (8 min) 0.13 hours
0828 gybe near RW "C", Chatham Lighthose bearing 330M C 030M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0833 gybe to avoid long liner, can't tell if fishing C 330M (2 min) 0.03 hours
0835 gybe back C 030M (7 min) 0.12 hours
0842 wing and wing C 000M (2 min) 0.03 hours
0844 broad reach, head toward buoy C 330M (16 min) 0.27 hours
0900 a few more gybes to reach channel, enter channel visual (60 min) 1.00 hours
The outer channel was a close haul. After rounding the marks near Chatham light the course was downwind. It was just after low tide with the flood tide in progress. A grounding at Allen Point where severe shoaling had recently occurred was a concern. A two hour stop at anchor allowed the tide to flood enough to provide plenty of water at Allen Point.
1000 prior to Allen Point turn to starboard leaving channel, anchor in 6-8 ft, wait for higher tide anchored (120 min) 2.00 hours
1200 finished nap, weigh anchor, continue through channel, winds have picked up to near 20 knots visual (45 min) 0.75 hours
Fatigue and 20 knot winds made picking up the mooring difficult. It was easier under power. It still took two passes under power.
1245 pick up mooring, 1 try under sail, 2 under power moored (75 min) 1.25 hours
1400 still cleaning up cabin for departure moored -- --

Photos and a brief narrative are available on the Late August 2003 page of the Photo Gallery pages, under Vineyard Haven to Pleasand Bay. A narrative of the complete trip is also available.