Date: August 23, 2003 Summary: Vineyard Haven to Nowhere.
Crew: Curtis.
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 15-20 knots from the NW. Actual winds were from the NW but very weak. This was to be a sail to Newport but was aborted due to lack of wind. Due to currents best departure times were 7:30-8 AM or 8-8:30 PM or the next day at 8:30-9 AM.
Intended course (total distance 43.8 nm, not including distance from Vineyard Haven to RW "NW")
RW "NW" to VSEC 090 MD 1.8 nm
VSE to R "30"C 259 MD 12.4 nm
R "30" to R "32"C 255 MD 6.3 nm
R "32" to R "2"C 300 MD 19.0 nm
R "2" to R "4"C 015 MD 0.7 nm
R "4" to NH1C 005 MD 1.2 nm
NH1 to NH3C 061 MD 1.9 nm
NH3 to NH4C 144 MD 0.5 nm
Note: VSE is a waypoint in Vineyard Sound on the East side. NH1, NH2, NH3, and NH4 are GPS waypoints on the way to Newport Harbor. NH1, NH2, and NH3 are on a straight line.
0618 weigh anchor in under 5 knots of wind C 055M (7 min) 0.12 hours
0625 head towards N "4", wind shifts around point C 030M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0628 became close hauled C 025M (4 min) 0.07 hours
0632 N "4" and R "2" form a range, wind increase to 10 knots C 025M (1 min) 0.02 hours
0633 N "4" and C "25" form a range, excellent visibility C 035M (9 min) 0.15 hours
0642 R "2" and C "25" form a range, wind dying to 5 knots C 030M (1 min) 0.02 hours
0643 tack, R "2" and GR form a range, almost no wind C 270M (7 min) 0.12 hours
0650 headed for West Chop Lighthose C 270M (4 min) 0.07 hours
0654 tack, wind increased, then dropped to under 5 knots C 030M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0657 R "2" and C "25" form a range, GR dead ahead C 030M (7 min) 0.12 hours
0704 tack, GR bearing 035M, RW "NW" bearing 070M, headed toward R "2" C 275M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0707 against current, R "2" bearing 280M C 270M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0710 tack, not getting anywhere against current C 030M (4 min) 0.07 hours
0714 tack, lost ground to RW "NW" in very light wind C 275M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0724 wind improved slightly C 285M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0727 tacked in lull C 030M (6 min) 0.10 hours
0733 tack, RW "NW" bearing 250M, GR bearing 020M, current weakening, so is wind C 280M (9 min) 0.15 hours
0742 considering going back due to lack of wind C 260M (3 min) 0.05 hours
0745 temporary strengthen and shift in wind, tacked but it died C 025M (7 min) 0.12 hours
0752 GR bearing 010M, RW "NW" bearing 300M, returning to Vineyard Haven C 230M -- --

Photos and a brief narrative are available on the Late August 2003 page of the Photo Gallery pages, under Vineyard Haven. A narrative of the complete trip is also available.