Date: August 23-24, 2003 Summary: Vineyard Haven to Block Island.
Crew: Curtis.
Comments: Winds were predicted to be 15-20 knots from the NW with gusts to 25 and 2-4 foot waves. Winds from the NW are ideal for destinations such as Newport or Block Island which are to the SW. Due to currents best departure times were 8-8:30 PM or the next day at 8:30-9 AM. To make sure to get out before winds died, a night sail was undertaken.
Intended course (total distance 57.6 nm)
VH3 to VH2C 058 MD 0.4 nm
VH2 to VH1C 041 MD 0.9 nm
VH1 to RW "NW"C 308 MD 2.4 nm
RW "NW" to VSEC 090 MD 1.8 nm
VSE to R "30"C 259 MD 12.4 nm
R "30" to R "32"C 255 MD 6.3 nm
R "32" to R "2"C 300 MD 23.5 nm
R "2" to G "1BI"C 253 MD 5.6 nm
G "1BI" to WP1C 224 MD 2.2 nm
WP1 to R "2"C 185 MD 1.5 nm
R "2" to GSPC 159 MD 0.6 nm
Note: VH1, VH2, and VH3 are waypoints in Vineyard Haven Harbor. VSE is a waypoint in Vineyard Sound on the East side. WP1 is a waypoint to the northwest of Block Island intended to keep out of the shallow water on the way to the harbor enterance. GSP is a waypoint in Great Salt Pond.
1800 weigh anchor, avoid ferry C 030M (14 min) 0.23 hours
1814 R "4" and R "2" form a range, wind 15 knots C 030M (2 min) 0.03 hours
1816 R "4" on the beam, tack to avoid ferry, lots of chop near West Chop visual (5 min) 0.08 hours
1821 tack back to intended course C 045M (2 min) 0.03 hours
To avoid the closer of the two I needed to be on a tack that took me to the path of the other. Rather than try to quick tack after the first passed I hailed the other ferry long before it became dangerous. Not knowing the name I hailed "Hyannis ferry bound for Vineyard Haven near marker RW "NW", this is Remote Access, the small sailboat off your bow". I didn't get an answer to the hail but the ferry changed course, passing to my stern.
1823 seas are now calmer, hail ferry "Island Queen" C 045M (7 min) 0.12 hours
1830 tack at RW "NW" after ferry crosses stern C 290M (12 min) 0.20 hours
1842 tack to avoid 5th ferry in the way C 050M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1847 RW "NW" off beam, small progress against current C 050M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1852 tack, RG was off port forward quarter, 5 knots boat speed, 2.7 knots SOG, dead into current C 290M (9 min) 0.15 hours
1901 bear away for a minute to pass well astern of ferry and avoid wake, Island Queen again, then resume course C 290M (10 min) 0.17 hours
1911 approaching R "2", tack to avoid another ferry C 060M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1914 tack, wind weakenning to 5 knots C 290M (16 min) 0.27 hours
At this point I'm out of the ferry traffic and the remaining tacks are just to clear the shoals to the North and West of West Chop.
1930 sunset C 290M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1934 pass R "2" within 20 feet to starboard C 290M (2 min) 0.03 hours
1936 tack C 030M (1 min) 0.02 hours
This is the beginning of what turns out to be about a 40 mile tack with only brief interruptions to empty the turtled or swamped dinghy and one tack to keep clear of draggers from Pt Judith.
1937 tack, toward G "25" C 280M (4 min) 0.07 hours
1941 pass G "25" within 20 feet to starboard C 280M (5 min) 0.08 hours
1946 pass GR 100 feet to port C 280M (14 min) 0.23 hours
From this point on winds would strengthen and after exiting Vineyard Sound wave heights would increase. Winds may have exceeded 20 knots for a period of a few hours.
2000 wind weakenned, then strengthened C 280M (30 min) 0.50 hours
2030 just enjoyed 1/2 hour of good 15 knot fun, less than 1 nm to G "27" C 280M (12 min) 0.20 hours
2042 pass G "27" about 300 yards to starboard C 260M (24 min) 0.40 hours
2106 Gay Head light has been clearly visible for a while, G "29" is now visible, change course to aim at G "29" C 270M (24 min) 0.40 hours
2130 change course to slightly upwind of G "29" C 260M (12 min) 0.20 hours
2142 G "29" whistle audible, close haul C 255M (12 min) 0.20 hours
2154 pass within sight of G "29" C 255M (6 min) 0.10 hours
2200 desired course 255M but current sets us off, wind shift and weaken, G "31" light visible, Gay Head and Cuttyhunk Lighthouses have been visible for a while C 270M (8 min) 0.13 hours
2208 G "31" bearing 230M, wind direction returned C 270M (4 min) 0.07 hours
2212 R "30" visible C 270M (4 min) 0.07 hours
2216 R "30" on starboard beam C 270M (14 min) 0.23 hours
We are exiting Vineyard Sound. Winds and waves increased to 20 knots and 3-4 feet and stayed that way for about two hours.
2230 G "31" on port beam, wave heights increasing C 270M (20 min) 0.33 hours
2250 wind increasing, furl headsail to reef main drifting (10 min) 0.17 hours
2300 reef set, need to trim sails C 270M (30 min) 0.50 hours
2330 sailing close haul, single reef, full jib, 15-20 knot wind, 6 knot SOG, 23.6 nm to Rhode Island R "2", 4 ft waves, lots of spray over bow, quite a bit of spray in the cockpit C 270M (60 min) 1.00 hours
0030 dinghy turtled affecting steerage, furler jams, sheets tangle, furler jam released, then jams furled, managed to dry out dinghy drifting (30 min) 0.50 hours
0100 sailing with jammed and completely furled jib C 310M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0105 went up to foredeck and unjammed and untangled everything, put out less than full headsail, may prevent repeat dinghy flip C 270M (10 min) 0.17 hours
There was a brief weakenning of the wind but it resumed and was back to 15 knots shortly. Winds gradually weakenned to 10 knots by daybreak and then strengthenned to 15 knots after daybreak.
0115 winds weaken, then strengthen, ETA went from 4AM to 10AM to 6 AM C 270M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0125 winds weaken, put out more headsail, winds now 15 knots C 270M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0135 Newport Bridge and Point Judith light now visible, charts are wet from earlier spray C 270M (39 min) 0.65 hours
0214 put out full headsail C 270M (46 min) 0.77 hours
0300 10.3 nm to Rhode Island R "2", close to 5 knot boat speed C 270M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0305 Block Island SE Light sighted C 270M (20 min) 0.33 hours
0325 dinghy swamped, had to be emptied drifting (7 min) 0.12 hours
0332 aim for waypoint G "1BI", forget about R "2" C 270M (28 min) 0.47 hours
0400 on course for G "1BI", just over 10 nm C 270M (20 min) 0.33 hours
After winds had calmed a little the next headache was that the battery was dying. Had to start motor twice to keep the lights from dimming. The battery no longer holds a charge.
0420 start motor to charge battery C 270M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0430 stop motor C 270M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0440 dinghy turtled drifting (10 min) 0.17 hours
0450 tack to keep well clear of draggers C 030M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0455 tack again C 270M (25 min) 0.42 hours
0520 start motor to power nav lights C 270M (10 min) 0.17 hours
0530 stop motor, daybreak C 270M (30 min) 0.50 hours
It was probably safe enough to cut G "1BI" but the next few tacks were just so as to pass North of G "1BI" and play it safe.
0600 tack C 030M (6 min) 0.10 hours
0606 tack, G "1BI" should be ahead 3 nm C 270M (9 min) 0.15 hours
0615 G "1BI" in sight C 270M (23 min) 0.38 hours
0638 tack, less than 1 nm to G "1BI" C 030M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0643 tack back toward G "1BI" C 270M (5 min) 0.08 hours
0648 tack away from G "1BI" C 030M (7 min) 0.12 hours
0655 final tack toward G "1BI" C 270M (15 min) 0.25 hours
The last tack took me to G "1BI". The next leg was really a series of wing and wing and broad reach legs, though I didn't record each gybe of the sails. I was very tired and the sail was pretty much over. Wind and waves were straight into the channel and waves were still large so I motored into the channel.
0710 Head for entrance to Great Salt Pond. C 200M (80 min) 1.17 hours
0830 set anchor in 35 ft on edge of anchorage and wait for boats to leave -- -- --

Because this was a night sail no photos were taken. Although photos of this leg are not available, a narrative of the complete trip is available.