Date: August 8, 2002 Summary: Sail to Monomoy Cut entrance and back.
Crew: Curtis, Tara, Erin, Daniel.
Comments: Wind was generally light, about 10 knots, and from the northeast. Visibility was good. Seas were reported to be 1-3 feet. The "cut" is the narrow and exteremely shallow channel between North and South Monomoy (don't go there without local knowledge). While we did record our headings, we did not know our speed (we don't have a knotlog), we were in a current, and had nothing to take bearings from in order to estimate boat speed and set and drift. We were trying to visually spot the cut from too far out and missed the cut. We took bearings when the Polluck Rip markers were visible from a distance had to backtrack a few miles. We could not enter under sail due to the opposing ebb current from the cut. Slack at the cut appears to preceed Polluck Rip slack but we are not yet certain of this. Tara felt mildly seasick and so wanted to go home rather than motor up the cut to see the seal haulout.
1300 RW "C" Mo(A) Wh (within 50 ft) C 180M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1312 sailing wing and wing in light waves, air was too light C 220M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1318 -- C 270M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1330 B 320M / B 000M C 180M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1342 -- C 270M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1354 -- C 180M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1406 B 180M R"6" Fl R 4s Bell
B 230M Monomoy lighthouse
C 270M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1418 B 200M R"8" Fl R 6s
B 230M Monomoy lighthouse
C 180M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1424 about face and look for cut C 000M -- --
At this point we hugged the shore more closely and looked for the cut. The upwind progress was much slower probably possibly due to current although we did not compute the set and drift and Eldridge seems to indicate otherwise.
1609 Marker "B" in Monomoy cut
just beyond marker "A" bearings were:
B 220 lighthouse / B 210 R"8"
C 130M (6 min) 0.5 hours
1615 -- C 10M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1618 close to shore turned seaward C 120M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1630 -- C 020M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1636 -- C 120M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1648 -- C 020M (12 min) 0.2 hours
1700 -- C 130M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1706 -- C 10M (33 min) 0.55 hours
1733 RW "C" Mo(A) Wh (within 50 ft) -- -- --

Photos and a brief narrative are available on the August 2002 page of the Photo Gallery pages, under Monomoy Cut.