Date: August 14, 2002 Summary: Return from Nantucket.
Crew: Curtis.
Comments: Wind was variable in strength and from the southwest. Wind was mostly 6-8 knots, about 10 knots prior to 10:30, very weak 11AM to 12:30, over 10 knots 12:30 to 1PM, weakenning from 1PM to 3:30PM to under 5 knots, then suddenly becoming about 20 knots in late afternoon. Visibility was 2-3 miles in haze, improving somewhat in afternoon. Seas were reported to be 1-3 feet and at times were near flat. Morning progress was very good, with favorable current and surfing on a broad reach from 9AM to sometime after 10PM. Light wind but favorable current pushed Remote Access through Polluck Rip. Near noon water was flat and wind near calm. Due to calm conditions, and improving wind, Pollucks Rip was exited at RN"6", cutting across Bearse Shoal toward RW"C". Progress was best 12:30 to 1PM, reaching 6.8 knots (according to the GPS) on a broad to beam reach with favorable current. The reverse course of the prior day's 11 hour sail took only 5.5 hours (mooring to anchorage was 15 hours, anchorage to mooring was 8 hours). Due to ebb current in Pleasant Bay and diminishing winds, the motor was used from just outside the Chatham Break to about just beyond Aunt Lydia's Cove. Sails were raised due to sudden appearance of strong and gusty winds more than capable of offsetting the current. When crossing Pleasant Bay, winds had reached 20 knots and Remote Access was significantly overcanvassed with no reef set. Strong wind made picking up the mooring difficult. First attempt was under sail. Two attempts under power were needed. The first fell short due to the wind stopping forward progress just prior to reaching the pickup buoy with temporary loss of steerage resulting in a miss.
0830 weigh anchor, head for main part of harbor and channel -- -- --
0900 exit harbor on a broad reach with good surfing C 010M (84 min) 1.4 hours
1024 GC"15", wind variable (died, then picked up) C 080M (48 min) 0.8 hours
1112 RN"12" C 090M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1118 low wind, too lumpy for wing and wing C 030M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1124 low wind, hard to keep jib full C 150M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1130 wind died, enough for manuevering only, progress helped by current C 030M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1136 need to avoid Tide Rips C 150M (9 min) 0.15 hours
1145 headed for RN"10" C 030M (9 min) 0.15 hours
1154 reached RN"10", wind light, water flatter, trying wing and wing C 090M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1200 very light wind, strong following current C 030M (9 min) 0.15 hours
1209 approximately at RN"8", near calm, water near flat C 120M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1224 approximately at RN"6", wind improving, gentle swells C 120M (3 min) 0.05 hours
1227 wind improving, exiting Polluck Rip, crossing Bearse Shoal C 350M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1233 wind beomes 10+ knots, beam reach toward RW"C",
GPS reports 6.0-6.8 knots, fun ride
C 010M (33 min) 0.55 hours
1306 GPS fix N 41° 36.408' W 069° 56.355'
off Monomoy, 1 mile east of cut
-- (24 min) 0.4 hours
Hove to for lunch. It took some time to heave to correctly. Sailed upwind slowly until correctly hove to. Visibility improved. Nice view of Monomoy and small fishing craft but the cut is not visible.
1330 GPS fix N 41° 36.877' W 069° 56.803'
lunch over, wind lighter, < 10 knots, broad reach
C 030M (3 min) 030 hours
1333 try wing and wing C 060M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1339 too much swell for wing and wing, back to broad reach C 030M (9 min) 0.15 hours
1348 short jibe to keep distance from shore C 090M (6 min) 0.1 hours
1354 heading straight for RW"C" according to GPS C 030M (27 min) 0.45 hours
1421 reached RW"C", wind dying again C 030M -- --
Continued on broad reach until near the Chatham Break. Wind continued to die. Started motor before approaching the first midchannel marker. Motored into channel. Strong ebb tide. Wind picked up strongly after Aunt Lydia's Cove. Killed motor and sailed from their against the current. Wind grew to about 20 knots.

No photos were taken this day. Photos taken on the previous day (on the way out to Nantucket) and a brief narrative are available on the August 2002 page of the Photo Gallery pages, under Nantucket Solo.