Date: August 18, 2003 Summary: Pleasant Bay to Nantucket.
Crew: Curtis, Andy.
Comments: The prior day had stormy weather with strong winds from the East. NOAA predictions for Monday initially indicated a possibility of small craft advisory, but were later revised to 15-20 knots from the North with 3-4 foot waves. By Monday morning predictions were again revised down to 10-15 knots. We had early moderate winds within Pleasant Bay, 15 knots or so. In the channel and after leaving Chatham Break, the winds decreased to 10 knots, later decreased even further. Visibility was very good to excellent.
Intended course (total distance 29.7 nm)
RW "C" to RW "PR"C 176 MD 7.5 nm
RW "PR" to GC "5"C 274 MD 4.1 nm
GC "5" to R "8"C 276 MD 2.2 nm
R "8" to R "12"C 232 MD 4.4 nm
R "12" to G "15"C 208 MD 3.8 nm
G "15" to RW "NB"C 200 MD 7.7 nm
1130 left mooring, follow channel visual (120 min) 2.0 hours
Our initial course was SSE along the shore of Monomoy Island. The wind was behind us and weak and the waves were on our beam. The boat rolled a lot in the waves. We had the jib polled out and sailing wing and wing. Due to the light wind and waves a preventer was rigged on the boom to keep it from swinging back as we rolled on the waves. It was hard to hold a straight course with light winds and swells.
1330 pole out jib, sail wing and wing C 190M (60 min) 1.0 hours
1430 wind strength decreased,
GPS fix N 41° 36.8' W 069° 55.6'
C 190M (30 min) 0.5 hours
1500 RN "2A" sighted C 190M (30 min) 0.5 hours
The trip was planned so the current would be in our favor. We reached Polluck Rip two hours after slack. With the weak winds, there was no threat at all to entering Polluck Rip in the current. We cut over Beards Shoal to save some distance.
1530 wind strength very weak,
approaching R "4", cutting over to GC "5"
visual (20 min) 0.33 hours
1550 pass R "6" visual (35 min) 0.58 hours
1625 pass G "9", R "8" is missing visual (5 min) 0.08 hours
1630 near R "10" visual (30 min) 0.5 hours
1700 Andy is seasick visual (15 min) 0.25 hours
Having entered Nantucket Sound the motion of the waves was greatly reduced. The wind had also subsided further and at times was near calm. At this point the current was almost the only thing moving us along.
1715 near R "12", light from G "15" bearing 200M C 200M (15 min) 0.25 hours
1730 winds extremely light C 200M (90 min) 1.5 hours
1900 GC "17" bearing 160M, GC "15" bearing 150M C 180M (70 min) 1.17 hours
We were an hour or two into full darkness when we arrived at the enterance to Nantucket Harbor, marker RW "NB". Entering Nantucket harbor is very easy using the range lights and Brandt Point Light. We anchored at 10 PM.
2010 4 nm off RW "NB" according to GPS visual (50 min) 0.83 hours
2200 anchored -- -- --

Photos and a brief narrative are available on the Late August 2003 page of the Photo Gallery pages, under Pleasant Bay to Nantucket. A narrative of the complete trip is also available.