Remote Access Projects: repair

Replace electric bilge pump.

Status: Not Started Category: Repair Priority: Near Term

The original electric bilge pump was dealer added. It was a very inexpensive pump. Apparently over the winter it was submerged in a puddle in the sump and froze, destroying the pump. It should be very easy to install a replacement.

Install rudder pintle bushing sleeves.

Status: Not Started Category: Repair Priority: Later

Compac rudder pintle and gudgeon bushings are notorious for quickly picking up play and getting sloppy. Other Compac owners have purchased sleeves and drilled out the gudgeon hole to press the sleeve in, then installed the pintle in the sleeve. Some sleeve materials include maralon (plastic suitable for using in bearings and bushings) and bronze.

Varnish rudder.

Status: Not Started Category: Repair Priority: Later

The rudder has had enough time in the sun that it is time to remove all the hardware mounted on it, scrape and sand it, and reapply the varnish. It might be worth doing this after installing any further tiller gadgets, such an electric autopilot. It looks bad at this point so any further delay may not be a good option.

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