An attempt has been made to faithfully reproduce the Town of Orleans Mooring Regulations obtained in printed copy in 2001 with the mooring permit. For an authoritative copy, please consult the Orlean Harbormaster's office. An illustration of mooring ground tackle is also available from the Orleans Harbormaster's office.


  1. No Person shall keep and/or moor any vessel greater than nine feet overall length, in or on the waters, flats or shores of Orleans, except when tied to a privately owned pier, without first obtaining a mooring permit from the Harbormaster.
  2. Mooring permit stickers, issued annually by the Harbormaster, shall be affixed to the Port Bow of the vessel, next to the state regulation sticker when applicable.
  3. Mooring Permits must be renewed annually between January 1 and March 31. Failure to renew during this period wiil result in the loss of the mooring permit.
  4. Failure to set and use a permitted mooring during the season shall result in the revocation of said permit.
  5. Any mooring not in use and not removed annually before November 15th will be removed by the Harbormaster or his agent at the owner's expense and the mooring permit shall be suspended for a period of one (1) year. All "tenders" shall be removed from town property by the same date.
  6. Any mooring may be inspected, removed or relocated whenever the Harbormaster feels that the safety of other vessels is in jeopardy, maximum use of the area requires such action or the mooring does not comply with the regulations specified herein. Any expense for inspection, removal, or relocation of any mooring within the Town of Orleans and any liability incurred therefore, shall be the responsibility of the permit holder/owner of said mooring.
  7. All moorings in the Town of Orleans are required to be of the mushroom anchor design. The following is a list of the minimum size requirements that must be met or exceeded. These moorings may not be adequate for storm or hurricane protection.
    Under 16' 50lbs. 75lbs.
    16'-19' 75lbs. 100lbs.
    19'-26' 100lbs. 150lbs.
    26'-30' 150lbs. 200lbs.
    30'-40' 200lbs. 250lbs.
    Over 40' As specified by Harbormaster
    (pounds) (inches) (inches)
    50 3/81/2
    100 3/81/2
    150 1/25/8
    200 5/85/8
    over 200 As specified by Harbormaster

  9. "Double anchoring" (anchoring bow and stern) or vessels is prohibited in Orleans except with the express permission of the Harbormaster
  10. A so called "Outhaul", shall be considered a mooring and must be permitted pursuant to paragraph A. above.
  11. A white styrofoam, rubber, or plastic float with a blue horizontal stripe is the only acceptable mooring marker. The mooring permit number, issued annually by the Harbormaster, shall be painted or otherwise permanently affixed to the mooring buoy.
  12. The total length of the mooring, chain, and pennant, shall be equal to at least three (3) times but, without the permission of the Harbormaster, shall not be more than four (4) times the depth of the water at Mean High Water, where the mooring is located.
  13. Mooring pennants shall be three strand nylon or equivalent, shall not float, shall be fitted with thimbles of appropriate size where they are attached to chain or metal fittings and shall be equipped with adequate chaffing gear where they pass through chocks or hawseholes. Shackles and swivels shall be safety wired or welded to prevent loosening.
  14. Tying at any town pier, bulkhead or float for a period in excess of one-half (1/2) hour is prohibited except with the express permission of the Harbormaster or an assistant. In addition to any fine for violation of this ordinance, the Harbormaster or his agent may cause the removal of the boat. Any expense for removal of said boat or liability incurred therein, shall be the sole responsibility of the boat owner.