Remote Access Projects: Repair work

Fiberglass void repair.


After one season of sailing a bubble with a small crack appeared on the cabin top fiberglass near a sharp bend. This proved to be a void where the fiberglass had not adhered to the gelcoat and the gelcoat had cracked as a result. After openning it up it proved to be one fairly large area about 2.5x1.5 inches and a small area right at the corner that was about the size of a quarter. Both required adding a little resin and then gelcoat. I didn't take a picture after the repair was done. The repair wasn't perfect but is not noticable unless standing right there and usually overlooked even then if not pointed out.

Bulkhead attachment repair.

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In August 2003 when pounding to windward in 25 knots of wind and with 5 foot waves one of the four plastic pieces on the headliner that holds the main bulkhead in place fractured. This allowed the bulkhead to shift in relation to the cabintop.

These plastic pieces are inadequate for their purpose. The four were removed and replaced with some oak which was screwed into the cabin top with more substantial screws than the originals. Instead of a small pieces, secured in a few places, a bridge across the top of the bulkhead doorway was built. The outer sides were also secured with larger blocks using more substantial screws. Blocks of oak were also added to keep the bulkhead from shifting fore or aft.

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