External Links

This is a HTML copy of sites that had previously been in my bookmarks. Most should be of interested, to other with a few exceptions such as direct links to weather in our local area. Most are related to sailing and so they are linked from my sailing web page.

The list below is a table of contents. Click on any subject to go to the collection of links on that topic, or just page down and browse the entire collection of links.

  1. Sailing Related Links
  2. Alternate Energy
  3. Home Schooling

Sailing Related Links

These links are directly related to sailing.

Boats, Owners, Online Forum, Owners Associations, and Boat Dealers

Compac Related

Compac Boat Owner Web Pages

Other Boat Web Pages

Other Boat Owners Associations

Obviously there are very many boat owners associations and these are just a few. These are a few I've found interesting. The Hunter web site if very heavy on advertising. The Precision site is very well done and commercial free.

Boat Dealers, Used Sailboat Listings

Books, Courses, Sailing Schools, Organizations

Sailing Instruction

There are two organizations with sailing certification programs to serve as a standard and as guidelines for sailing instruction. These two organizations are American Sailing Association (ASA) and US Sailing. Having bought books from each organization, the ASA organization seemed to me to have more of a recreational cruising sailor's focus where US Sailing seemed to be a larger organization with powerboat and racing interests mixed in. The US Sailing books seemed to me to be geared toward preparing potential charter customers for the experience and might be influenced by this sort of commercial interest. US Sailing seems to be by far the larger organization.

Following is a list of some sailing schools that I know about.

These sites offer the written portion of USCG certification. Both offer home study programs.

Online Sailing Instruction

What originally prompted me to collect and review links related to online sailing instruction was a boy scout sailing trip. One of the troop leaders asked me to help prepare instructional material for the scouts. The two of us briefly discussed using the outline of one of a number of books we had read. Our initial outline covered much of what is in the book "The Annapolis Book of Seamanship". We considered other books but wanted to compress the classroom coursework in a keelboat and a basic cruising class plus some navigation into six 45 minute sessions. Some material, such as first aid and provisioning are covered by the boy scouts in the form of first aid, camping, and cooking merit badge material and could be omitted. Here are some of the links I found useful.

Books and Magazines


Boat Building, Design, and Surveying Instruction

The following are sites that have boating industry related courses. These would be mostly on interest to someone interested in working in the boating industry.

How to information

Sailing opportuinties

Charter Companies

I haven't chartered so I can't comment on how good or bad any of these charter companies are.

Collections of Links

Boat Shows

Weather and Marine Forcast


The weather channel provides good weather prediction that is very specific to a given region. These reports are of more interest to the general population and recreational boaters since it focuses on temperature and precipitation.


NOAA/NWS (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Weather Service) provides marine forcasts that are more oriented toward the serious mariner. There focus more on wind speed and direction, wave heights, and visibility rather than temperature and precipiation. NWS also offers weather forcasts for the landlubber. For NOAA forcasts, a good place to start is the NWS home page, then going to a region home page and then looking for marine weather forcasts. Having found this for you area bookmark it. It is very useful to have the text lists of forecast bookmarked if you are impatient and plan to use this over a low speed Internet connection. Below are bookmarks for the area I most frequently sail in.

Charts, Radio, Celestial Navigation



Celestial Navigation

Below are some links related to celestial navigation. Celestaire sells sextants, almanacs, books and many other things related to navigation and piloting. The rest are informational sites.

Equipment Sources

Mail Order Marine Retail

Note: I haven't got around to adding annotation to the remaining set of links. I also haven't checked them in quite a while.

Equipment manufacturers and fabricators

Sails, sailmakers, kits, canvaswork


Self Steering


Boating Electrical

Electric Motors and/or Complete Drives

Electric Outboards

Motor Controllers

Batteries and Battery Tutorials

Solar, Wind, and Towed Water Generators

Battery Chargers

Computer Related

Tutorials, Organizations, Collections or Links

Electric Vehicle Specialists - Motor and Controller Retail

Marine Instruments and Electronics

Alternate Energy

To the extent that alternate energy is of interest to cruising sailors that are interested in either an electric auxilliary or solar and wind panels, this section may be of some interest to sailors. Things like fuel cells and hydrogen storage seems to be no where near practical at this time, but are of academic interest (maybe).

Industry Associations

Magazines, Hobbyist Sites, Links

Fuel Cells

Home Solar Energy

Home Schooling

Is home schooling of interest to sailors? Its a stretch if the sailors are trailers sailors, but if you live aboard and have kids you'll need to home school. It could be of interest anyway.

General Information

Home School Programs