
Remote Access


"Remote Access" is a 2001 Compac 23/3, hull #629. Her home port is South Orleans, MA. Orleans is part of Outer Cape Cod, Massachusetts, just north of Chatham at the "elbow" of the Cape, and at the south end of the Cape Cod National Seashore.

Cape Cod is a penninsula (or island depending on who you talk to) and sticks out about 30 miles from the mainland. Given this location and the latitude Cape Cod may be the windiest coastal area in the US. Moderate to strong and reliable winds plus numerous sailing destinations in the Northeast make Cape Cod an excellent place to daysail or to do some coastal cruising.

Remote Access is owned and sailed by Curtis, Tara, Erin, and Daniel. We've thoroughly enjoyed her. We sail mostly in Pleasant Bay. Pleasant Bay itself is a wonderful place to daysail. It is a fragile salt water inlet, open to the Atlantic Ocean through the infamous Chatham Break. Books about Pleasant Bay are available through Friends of Pleasant Bay.


From Pleasant Bay we've ventured out to the Atlantic a few times. Beyond Chatham Break the nearest two destinations are Provincetown to the north, and Nantucket to the sourth. Both are 30 miles or more. Remote Access has now sailed to Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and Block Island. Some of the web pages here provide a description of our home waters, local sailing conditions and logs of our sailing beyond the immediate area.

Photo Photo

We almost always bring a digital camera aboard. Many long evenings have been spent organizing the photos and putting together some web pages. Most are of the resulting web pages may only interest to friends and family. The sections with project lists, boat and equipment experience, book reviews and external links may be of general interest.

These web pages are organized as follows. Note that most of these web pages are now 2 years out of date although some have been updated.

Photos of the crew and guests and the larger collection of annotated photos are probably mostly of interest to family and friends.

The charts and logs may be of interest to other sailors who are interested in the area. Some comments on the sailing area accompany the charts section.

The boat project list started out as being primarily for my own benefit. Other Compac owners have found the completed projects list interesting and maybe even useful. These are both 2 years out of date and quite a few small projects have been completed in that time.

The boat and equipment experiences is just a review of how we like the boat and how some of the boat equipment has served us. The boat and equipment experiences pages, book reviews, and external links pages might be of interest to other Compac sailors, other small boat sailors, or someone interested in owning and sailing a similar small boat.